Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I'm moving to Edublogs

School Library Journal is offering a very timely project on Web2.0 tools this summer called "All Together Now".  Our first assignment was to create a blog.  Woo-hoo! I already have one! Boo - hoo - they prefer Edublogs.  It's already been suggested that I migrate to Edublogs, so I went ahead and did it.  It was so easy!  Jacquie, I appreciate your offer to help, but I decided to try it on my own and it took all of 2 minutes.  Amazing!  The only thing I'm having trouble with is my blogroll.  I'll figure it out.

I will be at from now on.  I hope you will visit me there.

My 16 year old has reminded me that I have been online 20 minutes longer than I promised, so I'm off.  I do have some new reflections on Will Richardson's book Blogs, Wikis, and Podcasts, but I'll post them on the new blog later.

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