Saturday, July 5, 2008

Artichoke stems - not disposable

Okay, so my daughter is an aspiring vegetarian.  The other night she wanted to make a roasted artichoke.  She completed the prep work and asked what she should do with the leaves and stem. I told her to put them in the garbage disposal.  She was skeptical, but I assured it would be fine. Well, it wasn't.  This morning I watched in horror as my dishwasher first back-flowed up into the kitchen sink, and then began to leak from the bottom as well... all over the kitchen floor.

My husband spent hours trying to clear the mysterious clog, as we watched.  Hmm... what is that weird stringy stuff??? (the stem was a strict secret)  My daughter was having the time of her life grinning at me and mouthing "I told you so."

Lesson learned - artichoke stems should just go in the trash.  There are few things worse than proving to your teenage daughter that she is smarter than you are.

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